Friday, August 24, 2007


Danny has a new girlfriend (yes, a girlfriend) named Jenny. She is adorable. She is a receptionist at the U, and is studying genetics (she wants to be a genetic counselor). She has come over about 4 times, and my kids LOVE her. The first time she came over, Austin said Jenny could come to his birthday party (6 months away) and gave her our address so she could get here. The second time Danny came over, Rachel sees him and before he even gets a hug, Rachel asks "You bring Jenny with you?" Jenny comes in the house, and Rachel says, "Come on, let me play your hair." The third time, Danny at least got a hug before Rachel asked if Jenny was with him. So she came over last night to bring Rachel and Mitchell their birthday presents (which she did not need to do). She said she would have felt really bad if Austin did not get a present as well, so she even got him a present-a Star Wars ship. Mitchell got a Zoo Tycoon expansion pack-which he was excited about, but already got from Grandma and Grandpa Black. And Rachel got dress up stuff-a purple feather boa, earrings, a sparkly purse, and of course, hair stuff.


JC said...

Girl friend huh? Does Danny know that yet?

Danny said...

Everyone, I would like to introduce to you the man who invented rope... James, take a bow please.

Pro Health said...

There is a light at the end of the tunnel... her name is Jenny!