Saturday, May 17, 2008

Addicted to Love

You may not realize by my lack of entries for the past MONTH, but I am so addicted. Now I have the results to show it.

74%How Addicted to Blogging Are You?

OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

As a side note, my friend (thank you, Stacey) showed me Google Reader. Man alive, if you are not subscribed, you'd better seriously consider it. You log in, and (after you've added the subscription to all the blogs you read), it will just show you everyone that posted since you last logged in. It's AWESOME!!... except it doesn't work for my friends that blog from web.mac.whatever. But, still! LOVE IT. I will have more later, but that would require work, and I'm done for now!


The Duncan Proect said...

Google Reader is life changing for the addicted. Let's you focus your time on surfing more blogs!!!!
I love keeping in touch with the Blacks. I am having a moment even as I type this.
I am now going back to determine my own level of addiction

Susie J. said...

I think I would shrivel up and die without google reader.