Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Funny Things Kids Say

*** "Motel. It's like hotel with a mo."

*** "California didn't look like this last time we were here."

*** We were playing the Alphabet game (you know, where you think of places that start with each letter of the alphabet). We were on T. Mike said "Timbuktu" and Austin instantly pipes up with "Timbuk-three!"

*** Rachel checks the map at the San Diego Zoo and says "We are in the Jungle Book."

*** Still at the San Diego Zoo Austin says, "Brad, I can smell Mitchell, we're close. It's my animal instincts."

*** Austin trying to pet the dolphins at the San Diego Zoo. Asks Kyra if she can whistle. Kyra says No. Asks me if I can whistle. I say No. Austin says, "Then we're doomed!"

*** Austin after the Hollywood Tower of Terror. He was VERY apprehensive about going on all the "bigger" rides and had to talk to all of the ride operators. I really do mean ALL of the ride operators. The build up for the Tower of Terror is a bit scary for a 6 year old...ghosts in the hotel, and lights going out, and Twilight Zone scary music. So we ride the ride and Austin says (once we get through the gift shop that are at the end of almost every ride), "Well, at least I'm alive."

*** Rachel after we "sneaked" her on to Splash Mountain. "Whew! We made it!"

We had a great time on our trip. Can't wait to tell you all about it through pictures.


The Duncan Proect said...

It is a good thing you are writing this all down. You will need it when Austin is grown and you are either in court defending him or at the polls voting for him. I love that amazing little boy. I finally got a couple of pictures from Disney posted.
Thanks for letting us hand out with you.

Unknown said...

your kids say the funniest things! thanks for sharing with us.

Katie said...

Your kids are hilarious! I'm glad you share the many Austinisms and now, it seems, Rachelisms that you get to hear.