Friday, August 8, 2008

Is it really August, already?

Well, the months are just flying by. My first "baby" will be 11 this month, and my last baby will be 4. Where have these years gone?

Austin is his usual funny self. Most recently he was saying the prayer for dinner, and said, "Bless everyone in the whole world that they won't be like the devil, your worst enemy." He's so great, I just hope I can remember these days when he's a teenager, and trying to get away with everything.

In other news, Mike and I started training yesterday for a sprint triathalon which we hope to complete in January. Think we're crazy? We do, too. No, really Mike's friend and fellow Des News-er, Jody trained for one, and had great results. It's a twenty-two week program, that builds up VERY gradually. We swam 100 yards in the pool, and walked for 20 minutes yesterday, and today I rode 2 miles on the bike. Hopefully, we will get in great shape. Sadly, I was in my best shape 10 years ago after Mitchell was born. And Mike's not any better...well actually he's in better shape than I am. I thought I was going to need oxygen after my swim! if anyone else wants to try the program, check it out here.

We're off to the annual Black camping trip.


Jenny said...

A triathlon? You guys are definitely braver than me! Keep us all posted on your progress.

Love, Jenny

P.S. I love Austin, and if he wasn't only 6 years old, I would totally accept his proposal. That kid would keep me laughing for a long time!

Unknown said...

I never thought I would see the day when Mandi is exercising. Good luck with the triathlon!! Have fun on your camping trip. Lots of love from mom.

The Duncan Proect said...

I really missed seeing you on Monday. The kids truly miss Mitchell. Okay, so where are you going to do the pool portion?
I am inspired cause the program looks doable. Forza!!!!