Sunday, January 9, 2011

Highlights for January 1-9th
*Christmas tree was already taken down on January 1st, and Mike was mad at me. But I loved it, so there.
*Sunday was the first day of 9 am church for 3 years. Am I happy about it? Yes, but the jury's still out on what to do with my kids in the afternoon, so I don't kill them.
*First week of Mike's set schedule was a success. Wednesday evenings off: nice (except I am at YW, so I don't truly appreciate it.. but kids do). All day Saturday off: LOVE IT!!
* Tried to go bowling with half off coupon on first Saturday Mike had off: FAIL. Dumb bowling had another "thing" going so wouldn't honor the coupon. Alternate activity: Sizzler for lunch at 3 pm.
*Friday: spontaneous Girls night with Rachel after BFF, Ann, told me she was going to Utah Gymnastics. Parking: something to be desired. Gymnastics meet: Awesome with free tickets... and finding Ann and sitting next to her on the 9th row right behind the vault. Rachel LOVED it, and said to me that she HAS to learn how to dance like the floor routines... and that she was going to DIE if she did not get to do gymastics. Successful outing.
* Saturday: Bowling = FUN. Austin says he uses his mind control to guide the ball. Rachel was a great cheerleader for everyone, and did pretty well. Mitchell is left handed and struggled to keep his ball right down the lane. Mike did the best... although I got 3 spares in a row. Yeah for bumper pads!!!!
* I have been wanting a Kitchenaid mixer for about 15 years now, and Mike won some money from a sports "thing"... and surprised me with a beautiful mixer. I have yet to use it.
* I was feeling ambitious and cleaned out our "pantry". That's all I want to say about that.
* Made a Buttercup Purse


Unknown said...

sounds like 2011 has been lots of fun for you so far. can't wait to see the buttercup purse!

Jenny said...

My most treasured love in my kitchen is my Kitchenaid mixer. You'll never want to mix the old fashioned way again!