Sunday, January 23, 2011

January 17-23

* Rachel keeps writing her last name as "Blachel". It cracks us all up.
* Family Movie Night with Mike (Yeah for HAVING to use his holiday hours in the same pay period)We watched "Big". The kids had never seen it, and they loved it.... right up until the big "F" bomb at the end. In a PG movie. What is the world coming to? Mitchell especially liked it since Josh in the movie turns 13.
* Discovered what all the "dropping" noises are when Austin and Rachel take a shower. They are playing Soap Soccer, also known as Shower Soccer with the soap.
* Austin makes lunch for the family (hamburgers on the grill with dad's help). He then proceeds to tell us we can thank him for lunch... and dad for passing on his awesome grillmaster skills (gangsta hand gesture included).
* While watching "The Black Stallion" last night, Austin and Mitchell have all sorts of comments about the movie. It drives me crazy. Favorite one: "Hey, mom. They are just "horsing around". This gets giggles all around... until I yell at them to go to bed.
* I HATE video games..... and the X-Box 360. Enough said.
* Dinner with Siggards (Cherlyn used to babysit the Black kids when they were younger). So fun to hear stories from another point of view. And all the kids came home with a new toy!


Unknown said...

Big is my favorite movie too! when that word comes up just say "spielschtick" like Danny used to.

The Duncan Proect said...

And the word had no point. I didn't know the rules before but one f word is allowed in PGs when it hits two it gets an R rating. Really hard to find things you can watch as a family. Love hearing about your crew. Spencer still considers Mitchell is "best Utah friend."