Sunday, January 16, 2011

January 10-16

* Started round 2 of P90X, classic which entails a Plyometric video (with lots of jumping). Amazed that a guy with a prosthetic leg can do the workout... and proceed to almost die. Soreness lasts 3 days.
* Yoga with the Young Women. Wonder if I have joined a new religion.
* Did research on Kindle vs Nook. Happily neighbor, Nikki, has a Kindle and is generous enough to let me borrow it for a couple hours. Do "research" while watching football. Decide I need a Nook so I can "borrow" ebooks from the library.
* Watch football (Ravens vs Pittsburgh). Comment correctly on some plays. Not sure how I feel about this.
* Read Kyra's updated blog. Scream a little... and cry that she has updated.
* Go to Saturday Evening session of Stake Conference while my family goes to In N Out. Leave early because I decide that family is more important than Stake Conference (besides it was almost over by then anyway). Get home in time to kiss my kids goodnight.
* Make churro's with my new Kitchenaid (breaking in slowly). Kids love them. House smells like frying oil. Not my favorite smell.
* Discover Gingerbread Granola. I am addicted.
* Saw Dr. Dave with Austin. Austin's vision is 20/20 with his glasses. Has made lots of progress over the past 3 years from 80/20. He's so good about wearing his glasses all the time.


Dad said...

Irma Bombeck has nothing over you, Mandi!
Love your blog!
